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struct es_sc is an opaque data structure representing a statistics calculator. A statistics calculator is a simple interface for computing the mean, standard deviation, z-score and variance metrics for a static or rolling (moving) dataset.
es_sc_new Construct a new statistics calculator.
es_sc_delete Destroy a statistics calculator.
es_sc_reset Reset (i.e. throw away) current dataset.
es_sc_getnumpoints Retrieve the number of data-points in the current dataset.
es_sc_addmean Add a data-point to the dataset for the purposes of computing mean only.
es_sc_addmeanstd Add a data-point to the dataset for the purposes of computing mean, standard deviation and variance.
es_sc_getmean Get mean of current dataset.
es_sc_getstd get standard deviation of current dataset.
es_sc_getzscore Get z-score with respect to current dataset.
es_sc_getvar Get variance of current dataset.

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