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int es_mbs_beginfetch( struct es_mbs *siter, struct es_mbn *nd );


struct es_mbs *siter Database node sorted iterator.
struct es_mbn *nd Database node.

Return Codes

ES_ERROR_NONE Success. No errors.
ES_ERROR_INVALIDBINDING The field-binding associated with iter is for a class that is not the same (or a valid super class) as that of the node nd.
ES_ERROR_FAILTOFIND Database node nd is empty.


Set iterator siter to point at first row of database node nd in sorted-order and fetch row contents. Returns ES_ERROR_FAILTOFIND if nd is empty.

If one or more membership filters ( struct es_mbm ) have been added to the associated field-binding ( struct es_mbb ) es_mbs_beginfetch() will instead point to the first row for which the filters are valid.

es_mbs_incfetch() can be used subsequently to advance iter to the next sorted row in the node.

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