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int es_mbi_insert( struct es_mbi *iter, struct es_mbn *nd );


struct es_mbi *iter Database node iterator.
struct es_mbn *nd Database node.

Return Codes

ES_ERROR_NONE Success. No errors.
ES_ERROR_INVALIDBINDING The field-binding associated with iter is for a class that is not the same (or a valid super class) as that of the node nd.
ES_ERROR_INVALIDINDEXTYPE Index type of database node nd is not of type ES_INDEX_NONE.


Add a new row to database node nd and update it from associated field-bindings. Set iterator to point at new row.

es_mbi_insert() is the only way to add rows to a node that does not have any index fields. The index type of the database node nd must be set to ES_INDEX_NONE.

If nd does have an index field, es_mbi_insert() sets it to the correct value (i.e. the current maximum row number). It is not required for the index field to be part of the associated field-binding and, in fact, is ignored if it is.

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